Korean popstar Kim Jeong-hwan (aka Yohan) (요한) has been found dead at age 28. No cause of death has been announced.
Yohan (요한) was a member of Korean pop group TST. They released two albums in 2017. Their most recent single ‘Count Down’ was released earlier this year.

TST’s record company KJ Entertainment released the statement, “We are sad to relay the most unfortunate, sorrowful news. On June 16, TST member Yohan left this world. The late Yohan’s family is currently in deep mourning.”
K-pop stars who have also died in the last five years are:
Ahn So-jin (2015) after falling from a building, Kim Jong-hyun of SHINee (2017) from suicide, backing singers Goo Hara and Sulli (2019) from suicide after cyberbullying and Cha In Ha (2019), no cause of death released.
Support is available for those who may be distressed by phoning Lifeline 13 11 14; Mensline 1300 789 978; Kids Helpline 1800 551 800.
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