30 Days 30 Songs Upsizes To 50 Anti-Trump Songs - Noise11.com
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Death Cab For Cutie

30 Days 30 Songs Upsizes To 50 Anti-Trump Songs

by Paul Cashmere on November 6, 2016

in News

30days30songs.com has upsized to deliver 50 songs in 30 days in protest to American Idiot Donald Trump’s election run.

30days30songs.com is a site where artists are submitting songs for a ‘Trump-fee America’.

The site is the work of Death Cab For Cutie manager Jordan Kurland and author Dave Egger.

At the site they explain:

“In contrast to Trump’s demagoguery and complete lack of qualifications and temperament, Hillary Clinton is a calm, intelligent, empathetic professional with more relevant experience — as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State — than any candidate in the modern era. For those of you who find Clinton uninspiring, that is fine and understandable. But you don’t have to fall in love with a candidate. This is not a romance. We are electing the leader of the most powerful nation on earth. This is a decision for the head, not the heart. Hillary Clinton will keep the country on an even keel, and will build on the achievements of President Obama.

“Donald Trump would subject the country to the same hateful cycle of drama and madness that we have been assaulted with for the last year. He will continue to demonize minorities and objectify women. He will throw the economy into chaos and gut environmental regulations. He will devastate our standing in the world.

“It’s not enough to sit on the sidelines on this one”.

This week songs by Greg Holden, Jimmy Eat World, Cold War Kids and Bob Mould were added.

Cold Wars Kids supplied the new song ‘Locker Room Talk’ about Trump’s Vile attitude towards women. “At this point in the game, taking a shot at Trump almost feels unnecessary. Too easy. More negativity. We’re all so tired of him. But when I heard Death Cab’s song, I realized that’s a mistake. It’s important to state the obvious, to express those feelings in a song. Even if it’s maybe redundant, it feels great to let it all out!

Treat yourself to the menu of anti-Trump songs at http://www.30days30songs.com


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