Bob ‘Bongo’ Starkie has asked Noise11 to pass on an update about his health and ongoing treatment to his fans.
Bongo was diagnosed with Leukemia in January and has spent the last six weeks undergoing treatment. The good news is he is back home.
Bongo tells, “I’m heading home from hospital! It’s been six weeks and a bit of a wild ride but my blood counts are good and the Leukaemia is in remission. Still a way to go.
Bob continues, “Thanks for the unbelievable tsunami of well wishes via phone, text and email, and even the odd bunch of flowers. Apologies for not responding to all.
“Indiana, Arabella and Chrissy have been wonderful in their support!! And many thanks to Peter Green, Mark and Ian Bland for love and support.
“Still got some work to do to rebuild strength but look forward to seeing you all on the other side.
“My daughter Indiana and Wilbur Wilde brightened up last Sunday with a visit (and thanks Willy for the Elvis wig to enhance the new Peter Garrett look, but Willy I think I’ll pass out of respect for Elvis).”
When Bongo started his recovery journey all of his future dates, including two Sydney show in February, were cancelled.
Bob was almost an original member of Skyhooks. He joined the band August 1973 replacing his brother Peter who was the original guitar from March to August 1973. Bob has played on every Skyhooks album.
Watch an earlier Noise11 with Bob ‘Bongo’ Starkie:
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