AC/DC’s new song ‘Shot In The Dark’ has arrived.
‘Shot In the Dark’ is the first song from the 17th AC/DC album ‘PWR/UP’. It is the first single since ‘Play Ball’ in 2014 and first action from AC/DC since the Rock or Bust tour in 2016 which started out with Brian Johnson and ended with Axl Rose as lead singer.
AC/DC in 2020 sees the reunion of sacked Brian Johnson, fired Phil Rudd and retired Cliff Williams. It is also the first AC/DC album since the death of the band’s co-founder Malcolm Young in November 2017.
AC/DC started work on the album in 2018. ‘PWR/UP’ was recorded at Bryan Adams’ Warehouse Studios in Vancouver where AC/DC have made all four studio album of the 21st Century starting with ‘Stiff Upper Lip’ in 2000.

‘PWR/UP’ will be released on November 13.
1. Realize
2. Rejection
3. Shot In The Dark
4. Through The Mists Of Time
5. Kick You When You’re Down
6. Witch’s Spell
7. Demon Fire
8. Wild Reputation
9. No Man’s Land
10.Systems Down
11.Money Shot
12.Code Red
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