Westboro Baptist Church have sunk to an all-time low with a spew of hatred on Twitter following the death of Slayer guitarist Jeff Hannemann on Thursday.
Jeff Hanneman of Slayer
“Which of your idols will God kill next? Yesterday Chris Kell #kriskross Today Jeff Hanneman #Slayer #PicketFunerals”, kicked off their vile attacks.
“SLAYER Guitarist Was Killed By ‘God’ Say #Westboro Baptist Church”, they then proudly tweeted after Blabbermouth wrote a story.
“God Hates Us All” = a good @Slayer album but Jeff Hanneman wasted his life not serving God #Paying4It #Picketfuneral,” was their next disgusting post.
The Westboro Baptist Church, easily one of the most evil legal organizations in the United States, continued their ungodly posts with “WBC to #picket funeral of Jeff Hanneman”.
And the worst post of all “@Slayer’s singer/bass player & former drummer are CATHOLICS!” Opps! AS in #PriestsRapeBoys”.
The Westboro Catholic Church proudly display their hatred publicly sheltered by America’s Freedom of Speech laws. God bless you, America and God bless the Westboro Baptist Church.
Jeff Hanneman passed away on Thursday after a 2-year fight following a spider bite.
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