Ash Grunwald and Hiatus Kaiyote have been named in the first round of performers for the Australian World Music Expo (AWME) in Melbourne in November.
Others acts announced include The Bart Willougby Band, Bullhorn, Digging Roots, Estere, Jimblah, Ms Murphy, Myele Manzanza, Nahko & The Medicine of the People and Pierce Brothers.
AWME reaches its seventh year in 2014 and will feature around 500 acts from around the world performing in Melbourne from November 13 to 16.
Early bird passes are now available for AWME from
AWME 2014 will take place from 13th – 16th November at Arts Centre Melbourne, The Hi-Fi, The Toff, Ding Dong, Shebeen and Lounge.
Tickets for all concerts will be on sale soon!
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