Former Powderfinger singer Bernard Fanning is releasing the new song ‘Belly of the Beast’ to make voters think before they vote at the upcoming federal elections both in Australia and the USA.
“There are federal elections coming up across the western world,” Bernard states at the start of the video. “We the electorate have some very important choices to consider. Do our ‘leaders’ challenge rather than confirm our prejudices?”
‘Belly of the Beast’ is not an official single from Fanning, rather a message released “due to the timely nature of the pending election’.
Download ‘Belly of the Beast’ FREE at
Australia will go to a federal election of Saturday 2 July 2016. All Australian citizens aged 18 years or over are required to enrol and vote. The deadline to enrol or update your retails is 8pm Monday 23 May 2016. Register here
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