Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong has covered the Generation X version of John Lennon’s ‘Gimme Some Truth’.
Generation X, featuring lead singer Billy Idol, covered Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ album track in 1979 and released a remastered version in 2002. Armstrong has a bit of both versions in his new recording.
“The first time I heard it was from one of my all time faves Generation X! My version lands somewhere in between,” he said in a statement.

The origins of ‘Gimme Some Truth’ started as a Beatles song but was never finished off. You can hear ‘money for rock, money for roll” from the January 1969 Get Back sessions that eventually became ‘Money for rope, money for dope’ and “yellow bellied son of Gary Cooper’ that became ‘yellow bellied son of tricky dicky’ in the final Lennon version that was turned into a protest song about Richard Nixon.
In the recording Paul McCartney is clearly co-writing ‘Gimme Some Truth’ with John Lennon but was not listed on the end credits.
The final ‘Imagine’ version by John Lennon features George Harrison on guitar, Klaus Voormann on bass and Alan White on drums.
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