Gavin Rossdale is previewing the upcoming Bush album ‘The Art of Survival’ with ‘Heavy Is The Ocean’.

‘Heavy Is The Ocean’ is the opening track on the album, due October 7. Gavin said, “Oh Lord, this is going to open the record. It really sets the tone and the gravitas of the album. I love the power of the ocean. It’s mesmerising to me. It feeds your soul. The song uses the imagery I love. At this point, I’m chained at the zoo of rock! So, I was like, ‘Fuck it, I’m going to turn that puppy up. This one definitely represents “The Art of Survival”.
Heavy Is The Ocean
Slow Me
More Than Machines
May Your Love Be Pure
Shark Bite
Human Sand
Kiss Me I’m Dead
Creatures of the Fire
Judas Is A Riot
1000 Years
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