Geisha’s Chris Doheny has written the new song ‘Gallipoli’ to commemorate Anzac Day and raise funds for the Returned & Services League of Australia.
‘Gallipoli’ was co-written with Ronny Addlem. “I’d been doing regular writing sessions with a long time muso friend named Ronny Addlem, when one afternoon in 2012 we decided to write a song about Gallipoli,” Chris said.
The key lyric came from a General Cosgrove saying. “What we came up with was a chorus that interestingly includes the words “Raise your glasses high” which Sir General Cosgrove recently used to promote Anzac Day. Later after we had the chorus we decided the verses should tell a ‘bigger picture’ story from a generational viewpoint from the Grandfather down to the Grandson, and the many wars they had served in”.
The pair drew inspiration from their father’s and grandfather’s who had both served in the World Wars. “Ronny’s own father and grandfather had served in the 1st and 2nd great wars . My dad had served in the Australian Navy aboard the HMAS Adelaide and Shropshire and my Mum’s father had served in the army in New Guinea. We used stories we had heard from our childhood and did a lot of research to ensure not to offend any old diggers by getting any thing wrong!”
Chris Doheny – Gallipoli
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