Colleen Hewett will return to a new production of Godspell in Melbourne in October.
Colleen became a household name in Australia when she had a number one hit in Australia with ‘Day By Day’, the main song from the show.

“Godspell has been a big part of my life and it’s fabulous to be part of the reimagined production in 2016. I’m especially pleased to be appearing with this wonderful young cast because I love it when young new talent gets a go,” Colleen said.
“Over the years I have met so many people who saw the original production and I hope they will all come and relive it all over again.”
‘Godspell Reimagined’ will also feature Mark Dickinson, Bonnie Anderson and Christopher Southall. The original show by Stephen Schwatz was an off-Broadway hit in 1971.
Godspell Reimagined
Arts Centre Melbourne, Fairfax Studio
25 October 2016 to 6 November 2016
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