Corey Feldman Posts Bizarre Marilyn Manson Accusations -
Marilyn Manson, Melbourne photographer ros o'gorman

Marilyn Manson, Photo by Ros O'Gorman

Corey Feldman Posts Bizarre Marilyn Manson Accusations

by Paul Cashmere on February 8, 2021

in News

Actor Corey Feldman has posted a bizarre recollection of alleged by Marilyn Manson. The accusations come a week after Manson’s former girlfriend Evan Rachel Wood accused the singer of abuse.

Feldman’s confession actually state nothing ever happened with Manson, but suggests he could have, but it didn’t, but it caused him permanent damage regardless.

Feldman says Manson wanted to make him “his play toy” and wanted ‘2 SNORT COCAINE’ with him. He claims Manson forced him to kiss him, “hugged me” and “He has messed w my life ever since.”

While Feldman was a former child star, his own timeline makes him very much an adult when this happened. Feldman says this all began during Marilyn Manson’s ‘Mechanical Animals’ tour. ‘Mechanical Animals’ was released in 1998. The ‘Mechanical Animals’ tour started on 10 September, 1998 in Los Angeles. At the time Feldman was 26 years-old and Manson was 29.

Feldman claims he is a sexual abuse survivor but to date no-one has been convicted of a crime against him. He claims he was molested by his father’s assistant, a Hollywood agent and a club owner. No charges have been laid.

In his ‘(My Truth) The Rape of Two Coreys’ released in March 2020, Feldman claimed his friend Corey Haim was raped by Charlie Sheen when he was 13. Haim’s mother said it never happened.

In June 2020, Feldman was removed from a Sexual Harassment committee after numerous women accused him of sexual harassment. In January 2018 he was under investigation on charges of sexual battery.

Feldman was also central to many of the accusations of Michael Jackson. Feldman has repeatedly denied that Jackson had ever acted inappropriately towards him.

Feldman’s bizarre Manson accusations names Billy Corgan as Manson’s “BFF” (best friend forever) and suggest Corgan set him up with Manson. He claims Manson was obsessed with him because he was once “guest of honor” at a Manson dinner.

After Manson’s ex- Evan Rachel Wood accused the singer of “years of abuse” last week he was dropped by his record label. Wood’s accusations were backed up by numerous others.

THE NIGHT @MARILYNMANSON TRIED 2 USE & ABUSE ME AS HIS PLAY TOY BY TRYING 2 MANIPULATE ME N2 BREAKING MY 5 YRS of SOBRIETY 2 SNORT COCAINE W HIM, WHILE GAS LIGHTING ME 4 HIS PRESS TOUR ON #MECHANICALANIMALS WAS WHERE THE DECADES LONG MENTAL & EMOTIONAL ABUSE BEGAN! LUCKILY I WAS NOT PHYSICALLY HARMED THAT NIGHT AS WE GOT OUT SAFELY, BUT THAT WAS JUST THE BEGINNING OF MY NIGHTMARE! #ISTANDWITHEVAN& ANY & ALL SURVIVORS OF HIS DEMENTED ABUSE! Manson has been obsessed w me 4 over 2 decades! Dont #BELIEVE me? Just LOOK @ THE PUBLISHED FACTS! He 1st wrote several passages about me in his book #LONGROADOUTOFHELL as we had met a few months prior 2 that @ a Premier 4 #HOWARDSTERNSPRIVATEPARTS IN NY where the #GROOMING process began. He grabbed my face in front of the crowd and kissed me w his Black Lip Stick that I couldn’t rub off all night. He proceeded 2 gush over me telling me what a “Huge fan” of mine he was. He then introduced me 2 his BFF #BILLYCORGAN All of this is documented in his book! He brags about it as if I was a special needs person he was making fun of. However this encounter is not only talked about in his book but is also discussed in @jennacantlose Autobiography. She NOTES HIS OBSESSION WITH ME there. But several months passed b4 he released the book making me aware of his 2 sided nature. B4 the book came out Manson heavily pursued a friendship w me. Telling me I was his idol. Telling me he actually got his whole style by watching my film #DREAMALITTLEDREAM & my character #BOBBYKELLER was the inspiration 4 his entire look. Idk if that was #TRUTH but he used it as a way 2 manipulate me. Months later he called me on Xmas morning, 2 wish me a “merry Christmas” & invite 2 a dinner party around the release of his book, @ the fancy Indian Hollywood hang Dar Macrabe where customers sit around on pillows as in traditional Indian style. When I walked in the rm it was quite clear that I was the “guest of honor” as the whole room stopped 2 take pictures of the moment as he hugged me, then grabbed my hand, & led me 2 the table by his side. THE PIC IS FROM THAT MOMENT! We later went back 2 his home where the nightmare began. He has messed w my life ever since

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