Counting Crows eighth album ‘Butter Miracle, The Complete Sweets’ in coming 9 May 2025 and the new song ‘Spaceman In Tulsa’ is here now.
The last four tracks on the album were released in May 2021 as ‘Butter Miracle, Suite One’ and they came seven years after the previous album.
In 2022 Adam Duritz talked to Noise11 and said, “I just wasn’t thinking about writing much during that. We were touring all the time. We were pretty busy. I just wasn’t really interested in writing for a while. It feels very fluid these days. You can do whatever you want to do. I wasn’t really on a schedule and I wasn’t sure we really understood how to put out music in this modern day”.
The previous album reached no 6 on the American charts but didn’t really sell a lot after the first few weeks. Adam said, “I thought we had one of the best record companies we ever had on ‘Somewhere Under Wonderland’ and they did as good a job as I could imagine them doing and it didn’t make a huge impression in the culture. It did okay but it didn’t make the impression I wanted it to make. I wondered if we just needed to figure that out”.
Watch the Noise11 interview with Adam Duritz:
‘Butter Miracle, The Complete Sweets’ tracklisting:
1. With Love From A to Z
2. Spaceman In Tulsa
3. Boxcars
4. Virginia Through The Rain
5. Under The Aurora
6. The Tall Grass
7. Elevator Boots
8. Angel of 14th Street
9. Bobby and the Rat-Kings
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