D:A:D To Release 13th Album - Noise11.com


D:A:D To Release 13th Album

by Paul Cashmere on May 20, 2024

in News

Danish rock band D:A:D will release their 13th album ‘Speed of Darkness’ in October.

The album was once again produced by Nick Foss who first worked with D:A:D on their third album ‘No Fuel Left For The Pilgrims’ in 1989.

Jacob Binzer says, Jacob Binzer reveals:
”He says that this is the strongest pool of songs in a long time, and he has, after all, been in the game since 1988.” He adds that he agrees with the producer: ”Although you can’t really judge albums before one to two years after their release, I also think that this is a strong pool. Some of these songs have surprised me positively while we recorded them, and that is very promising.”

Two songs from been released to preview the album, ‘The Ghost’ and ‘1st, 2nd & 3rd’.

Jesper Binzer said in a statement, “ ”For the first time in three to four albums, I am totally excited about our material, and I look forward to going into the studio every single day. We have an excess of both songs and ideas, and this is a place that I have wanted to reach with the last three to four D-A-D albums. It’s crazy how things are circular that way. I thought that everything was done, and I thought that we were just old guys who were doing whatever we could, but a new necessity has arisen,” he feels and adds that cooperation is the operative word:

”There is no Kim Larsen (a famous Danish musician) in D-A-D, but four Franz Beckerlees. We are forced to cooperate, since none of us can do it all, and that’s also beautiful. New flowers are added to the bouquet every time we gather up in the studio.” About both two new songs, the band states: ”‘The Ghost’ is an epic banger that shines a light both behind and ahead. There is a Scandinavian melancholy in our universe. A song about separated love, loss and hope in a fragmented time. About holding on to something that may come, or which may already have disappeared.

D:A:D were originally called Disneyland After Dark but had to change the name to D:A:D after Disneyland threatened a lawsuit.

Those early days did get them a radio hit in Australia with ‘Sleeping My Day Away’ in 1989.

‘Speed of Darkness’ will be released on 4 October.

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