Danny Elfman has premiered another video from his 2021 album ‘Big Mess’ album.
‘In Time’ was directed by Zev Deans (St. Vincent, Chelsea Wolfe, HEALTH), the video features artificial-intelligence-generated visuals created by Italian media artist Lorem and was produced using source footage of Danny that was run through a GAN (generative adversarial network).

Danny Elfman released the ‘Big Mess’ album in June 2021. It was Danny’s first contemporary album since the last Oingo Boingo ‘Boingo Squared’ in 1994.
Danny’s first film score was ‘Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure’ in 1995. He has since worked on hundreds of film and television soundtracks including the Theme From The Simpsons. He has won four Oscars, two Emmys and a Grammy.
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