For Dave Graney and Clare Moore, writing new songs during lockdown was no different than before lockdown.
“I don’t need a pandemical lockdown to happen to write some songs,” Dave says. “Same way I never read any “war poets”. If they need a war to write something it’s not really worth it!”
The result for Dave Graney and Clare Moore … “Everything Was Funny”.
Dave does admit that elements of the lockdown may have had a little effect which may have “seeped into the music” but Dave and Clare were planning two albums for 2021 regardless.
The first was the band album with the mistLY. This second album ‘Everything Was Funny’ was more caused rather than inspired by lockdown. Because they couldn’t rehearse with a band Graney and Moore decided to make one by themselves in their own studio playing everything themselves.
They managed to get a cover shot done in that window between lockdowns and according to Graney and Moore “everything was funny” about the entire process.
Dave Graney and Clare Moore have had over thirty albums since they were The Moodists in the 1980s. There have been five albums under the Dave Graney and Clare Moore name including this.
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