Dave Navarro has confirmed a new album from Jane’s Addiction’s original line-up is “more than likely going to happen”.

The guitarist and his bandmates Perry Farrell, Stephen Perkins and Eric Avery returned with their first new music together in 34 years last month with single ‘Imminent Redemption’ and Navarro confirmed there are other tracks ready for fans to hear.
However, he isn’t sure what format the releases will take.
Dave told Rolling Stone magazine of the possibility of an album: “That’s more than likely going to happen. I mean, we have recorded material. I don’t know specifically the model, if it’s going to be a song at a time, or if we’re going to drop a song, and then a record, or I don’t really know. I kind of stay out of that stuff. What matters to me most is that this stuff is on vinyl.
“I don’t know anything about streaming or anything like that. But I’m 57 years old. I’ve been in this band since I was 17 or 18, and it’s the same band, and we have some of the same hurdles, and we have other obstacles that are no longer there.
“There’s always hurdles in collaborative creative efforts, but overcoming those hurdles is where the solution happens, and the solution, should it reveal itself, can be pretty exciting.”
Dave took a break from the band in 2022 to focus on his health after suffering from long covid, and he admitted there were times he feared he wouldn’t make it back on stage.
Asked if he ever worried he wouldn’t perform again, he said: “Of course. It was, ‘Maybe, I’ll never get to do this again. Maybe this is my life for the rest of my life.’
“You can’t help but lay awake at night and think up scary thoughts. And you just kind of have to pull yourself down to earth.
“That involved a lot of meditation, a lot of staying in the present, a lot of journaling, a lot of internal work, just to say, ‘I don’t know the answer to the future, and I’m not going to sit here and try and predict it … If anything, I should put into the universe, positivity, and try and pull some kind of manifestation effect, wherein I am able to do it again.’
“That’s just such a hard thing to force the brain to do when it’s looping on negativity.”
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