Deep Purple have a new album ‘Whoosh’ on the way, their third with producer Bob Ezrin.
Ezrin is best known for his work with Pink Floyd ‘The Wall’, Kiss ‘Destroyer’ and Alice Cooper ‘Welcome To My Nightmare’. ‘Whoosh’ is Bob’s third album with Deep Purple after ‘Infinite’ (2017) and ‘Now What?’ (2013).
‘Whoosh’ is the 21st studio album by Deep Purple coming 52 years after the band’s debut ‘Shades of Deep Purple’ in 1968. From that first album, only drummer Ian Paice remains to this day. Original singer Rod Evans left after the third album. Current singer Ian Gillian joined for the fourth album ‘Deep Purple In Rock’ in 1970.
Gillan says, “Whoosh is an onomatopoeic word that, when viewed through one end of a radio-telescope, describes the transient nature of humanity on Earth; and, through the other end from a closer perspective, illustrates the career of Deep Purple.”
‘Whoosh’ will be released on 12 June.

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