Fifteen years after their demise, 90s electro-punks Def FX have announced they will reform for shows in 2012.
Speaking on the band’s official Facebook page, singer Fiona Horne let the cat out of the bag.
“So last night at 2.30am I was in bed and singing along to Kiss’s ‘I Wanna Rock and Roll all Nite and Party Every Day’,” she says. “Time to get out of bed and get on the road! Talking to our promoter tomorrow – Def FX 2012 is ON!!! Dates to be announced VERY soon!!”
Details are yet to be announced, but on November 20, band member Robert Wilmshurt posted his latest countdown at 126 days, which takes us up to Sunday, March 25.
Throughout the Australian music scene was dominated by all of those 90s rockers that soaked the airwaves at the time. While Grinspoon and Spiderbait stormed the charts with guitar-driven riffage and Regurgitator and TISM touched on electronic influences bleeding over from the fluorescent rave scene that existed at the time. Further down that rabbit hole, however, was Def FX, whose singles ‘I’ll Be Your Majick’, ‘Surfers Of The Mind’ and ‘Psychoactive Summer’ must have played a pretty big part in my teenage musical years, because damnit I can still remember almost every word to them despite not having listened to them for about 15 years.
Should we take bets on who will be supporting? I’m going for Insurge and Caligula.
Follow the author Tim Cashmere on Twitter.