Dog Trumpet will be travelling into Victoria this week for their first shows since 2019.
Its ironic that Dog Trumpet have set out travelling as their new song ‘No More Travelling’ is released. Peter O’Doherty, who wrote the songs, told that the song was written during the pandemic about not being able to travel.

The 2023 ‘Shadowland’ tour is allowing Dog Trumpet to perform songs from not only the new album ‘Shadowland’ but also the previous one ‘Great Show Road’. The tour for the previous album didn’t happen because of the lockdowns.
24 February, St Kilda, George Lane
25 February, Northcote, Northcote Social Club (with Dave Graney and Clare Moore)
26 February, Archies Creek, Caravan Club (with Stephen Cummings)
10 March, Launceston, Royal Oak Hotel
11 March, Ulverstone, Gnomon Room
13 March, Taste of Huon Festival
24 March, Canberra, Polish White Eagle
28 April, Wollongong, The Music Lounge
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