Duran Duran have revealed details of their 16th studio album. ‘Danse Macabre’ is a Halloween themed album to be released on Halloween.

The album will feature 13 tracks, half originals and half covers. The covers include The Rolling Stones ‘Paint It Black’, ‘Talking Heads ‘Psycho Killer’, Rick James ‘Super Lonely Freak’ and ‘Ghost Town’ by The Specials.
Duran Duran played a Halloween show on 31 October 2022 and thereby sowed the seed for this album. Production is by Duran Duran, Mr Hudson and Josh Blair.
1. ‘Nightboat’
2. ‘Black Moonlight’
3. ‘Love Voudou’
4. ‘Bury A Friend’
5. ‘Supernature’
6. ‘Danse Macabre’
7. ‘Secret Oktober 31st’
8. ‘Ghost Town’
9. ‘Paint It Black’
10. ‘Super Lonely Freak’
11. ‘Spellbound’
12. ‘Psycho Killer’ (feat. Victoria De Angelis)
13. ‘Confession In The Afterlife’
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