Ellen Foley and Karla DeVito have made their first ever video together. The video was for their duet ‘I’m Happy Just To Be Here’ from Ellen Foley’s recent album ‘Fighting Words’.
Ellen Foley was the female voice on Meat Loaf’s ‘Paradise By The Dashboard Light’ but Karla was the face in the video. Ellen left Meat Loaf after the sessions because she was unable to tour.
“I declined from being in the tour and Karla was going to be in the tour,” Ellen tells Noise11.com. “She was the face of the tour, the face of the female element of Meat Loaf. I just went with it. Whatever! And 40 million records later … it bothered me for a while but it certainly doesn’t anymore. Anybody who knows anything about the record, or me or Karla knows I sang the vocal on the record”.
Ellen Foley ‘Fighting Words’ was released in 2021 just after her milestone 70th birthday. The album rocks harder than many acts half her age. “It is (a rock record) and I love when people say that. ‘Knocker the younger ones out of the water”, that’s not what I want to do. I don’t want to knock anybody out of anything, except maybe knock your socks off. I love it”.
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Gavin Ryan reports with thanks to Australian-Charts.com