Elton John and Brandi Carlile have collaborated for a new album ‘Who Believes In Angels’. The album was produced by Andrew Watt (Rolling Stones/Ozzy Osbourne) and features the lyrics of Bernie Taupin but the whole thing almost never happened.
The album was recorded over 20 days at Sunset Sound Studios in Los Angeles. Elton threw is well-known tantrums during the recording and was ready to walk out. Elton says, “I felt I don’t want to do it. (I’m going home). Then I felt there’s other people involved. I can’t abandon it and the fog started to lift. Finally it all started to flow”.
‘Who Believes In Angels’ comes after Elton’s farewell tour where Brandi joined him on stage in Los Angeles. Retirement is the wrong word to describe Sir Elton. “I’m 76 and I want to do something different. I don’t want to coast.
“When I met her I fell in love with her and I knew she had the most amazing voice. I knew I would find her inspiring and I knew she would find me inspiring”.
The album is a collaboration with Elton calling his long time lyricist Bernie Taupin and first time producer Andrew Watt his partners. “I’ve never done anything like this before. There are four people equally divided, Bernie (Taupin), me, Brandi and Andrew (Watt).” They are backed by a world class band of musicians comprising of Chad Smith, Pino Palladino and Josh Klinghoffer.
Out of all the anger and fears while making the album, Elton says this one if good. Elton allowed cameras to film the entire recording process for the very first time. The tantrums are on camera and will be included as a bonus DVD with the album. “I wanted this album to be special but you can’t guarantee when you go into the studio that it is going to be special”.
Watch the trailer for ‘’Who Believes In Angels’.
Who Believes In Angels? tracklisting:
The Rose Of Laura Nyro
Little Richard’s Bible
Swing For The Fences
Never Too Late
You Without Me
Who Believes In Angels?
The River Man
A Little Light
Someone To Belong To
When This Old World Is Done With Me
‘Who Believes In Angels’ will be released on 4 April 2025.
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