Fleetwood Mac released their gift to the fans, the four track EP Extended Play, last week but there may be more where that came from.
Lindsay Buckingham, Fleetwood Mac. Photo by Ros O'Gorman
Lindsey Buckingham has told Billboard that he, Mick Fleetwood and John McVie cut eight new tracks last year but only three were released on the EP (the fourth, Without You, was actually from the days of Buckingham-Nicks). The timing of the release of the other material, though, is still up in the air. “…it’s safe to say there is more than these four songs that you’re going to hear from Fleetwood Mac — it’s just a question of how and when, y’know?”
While the EP did not create the stir that a full album would, the band is very happy with the flexibility of the shortened format and the ease of digital release. Buckingham said “When I was growing up, EPs were all over the place … Albums were not really an art form; the single was the thing, and in some ways it has gotten back to that a little bit. The whole thing is just kind of wide open now, and it really is tantalizing to be able to put together just a few things, three or four songs on an EP. There is something quite effective about that, for sure.”
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