The Chats, one of Guns N’ Roses opening acts on the upcoming Australian tour have a new album called ‘Get F*cked’ on the way and a new song ‘I’ve Been Drunk In Every Pub In Brisbane’ for you now.

‘Get F*cked’ is coming 19 August.
The Chats will perform with Guns N’ Roses in Australia in November and December.
Guns N’ Roses with special guests The Chats & Cosmic Psychos
2022 Tour Dates
Friday 18 November: Optus Stadium, Perth
Tuesday 22 November: Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
Thursday 24 November: Metricon Stadium, Gold Coast
Sunday 27 November: Stadium Australia, Sydney
Tuesday 29 November: Adelaide Oval
Saturday 3 December: Melbourne Cricket Ground
Head to for all ticketing and tour information.
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