Glen Campbell has moved from an Alzheimer facility to his own home.
The Chattanooga Times Free Press is reporting that Campbell, who entered the facility last year for the treatment of the disease, moved home with his wife Kim in late July. She is now his primary caregiver.
Campbell is currently in stage six of the seven stages of Alzheimer’s where his communication skills are severely limited and he is prone to lashing out physically. Even with those diminished abilities, his wife says that there is still a glimmer of his former self. “He calls me Mrs. Campbell. But he definitely understands smiles, hugs, kisses. He’s physically healthy, cheerful and content most of the time but he can become extremely combative if you try to redirect him to something that he doesn’t want to do. I have a black eye right now. I know that’s not him, that’s not who he is; it’s just the Alzheimer’s.”
Kim Campbell has become an advocate for Alzheimer’s caregivers. She said, “There is still a stigma attached to Alzheimer’s, people are still embarrassed about it, and Glen’s intention was to break that stigma.”
Campbell’s family saw signs of the disease in 2009 and Campbell made the decision to go public with the diagnosis in 2011. Since then, he has recorded a final album, which turned into two sets, and toured the world one last time. That tour and other footage of the singer and his family and associates became the basis of the award winning documentary Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me.
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