Hanson have gone a little bit country with their new song ‘Against The World’.
‘Against The World’ is really about striving for things you believe in, in spite of the odds against you,” says Isaac Hanson. “Anyone who has strived for something understands – the journey to achieve almost anything is full of days when it feels like it’s just you against the world.”
“In our personal journey we have shared that struggle not only with one another but with incredible fans for nearly 30 years,” added Taylor Hanson. “And when you have those alongside you striving together, almost anything is possible.”
Hanson have embarked on a seven month, seven song project to release a new song a month in the lead-up to the new album ‘Against The World’. The songs were recorded at FAME Studios at Muscle Shoals, Alabama.
Artists who have used FAME include Clarence Carter (Slip Away), Wilson Pickett (Mustang Sally), Aretha Franklin (Do Right Woman), Arthur Conley (Sweet Soul Music), Lynyrd Skynyrd (Sweet Home Alabama) and of course, who can forget Jerry Reed’s classic country hit ‘She Got The Goldmine and I Got The Shaft’.
‘Around the World’ is the fourth of seven songs from Hanson before the ‘Around The World’ album is released.
Hanson did two shows Friday and Saturday ay Cain’s Ballroom in hometown Tulsa this weekend. They will continue to launch the album with more shows at Cain’s Ballroom on 3 and 4 September and 1 and 2 October.
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