Jack White Breaks Silence Over Meg White Drumming - Noise11.com
Jack White, Photo By Ros O'Gorman

Jack White, Photo By Ros O'Gorman

Jack White Breaks Silence Over Meg White Drumming

by Music-News.com on March 17, 2023

in News

Jack White has broken his silence on the latest criticism of his ex-wife and former White Stripes bandmate Meg White’s drumming.

Journalist Lachlan Markay recently sparked a debate after slamming Meg’s skills on the drum kit as “terrible” and suggesting the ‘Seven Nation Army’ duo would have been better if they had a “half decent drummer”.

In a since-deleted tweet, he wrote: “The tragedy of the White Stripes is how great they would’ve been with a half decent drummer.

“Yeah yeah I’ve heard all the ‘but it’s a carefully crafted sound mannnn!’ takes. I’m sorry Meg White was terrible and no band is better for having shit percussion.”

Many have spoken up to defend Meg, including Jack’s ex-spouse Karen Elson, who wrote: “Not only is Meg White a fantastic drummer, Jack [White] also said the White Stripes would be nothing without her. To the journalist who dissed her, keep my ex husband’s ex wife name out of your fucking mouth. (Please and Thank You).”

And now, Jack has shared a poem that slams the “demons, cowards and vampires out for blood” and calls for less “negativity”.

Alongside a picture of Meg at her drum kit, he posted to Instagram: “To be born in another time, any era but our own would’ve been fine. 100 years from now, 1000 years from now, some other distant, different, time.

“One without demons, cowards and vampires out for blood, one with the positive inspiration to foster what is good.”

The poem continued: “An empty field where no tall red poppies are cut down. Where we could lay all day, every day, on the warm and subtle ground.

“And know just what to say and what to play to conjure our own sounds.

“And be one with the others all around us.

“And even still the ones who came before,

“And help ourselves to all their love.

And pass it on again once more.

“To have bliss upon bliss upon bliss. to be without fear, negativity or pain, and to get up every morning, and be happy to do it all again.”

Meg has been bombarded with criticism of her drumming style in the past, and while the comments have upset her at times, the hate only spurred her on.

She said previously: “I appreciate other kinds of drummers who play differently, but it’s not my style or what works for this band. I get [criticism] sometimes, and I go through periods where it really bothers me. But then I think about it, and I realise that this is what is really needed for this band.”

The White Stripes split for good in 2011, due to “a myriad of reasons … mostly to preserve what is beautiful and special about the band.”


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