Jebediah will have a new album in April. ‘Oiks’, the sixth Jebediah album, will also be the first Jebediah album since ‘Kosciuszko’ was released in 2011.
For starters, here is ‘Motivation’

“Motivation was a song that came from the initial in studio jam sessions that kick started the process of recording OIKS,” the band said collectively in a statement. “At that stage, we didn’t really know what kind of album we were trying to make. We were simply getting together in a room and making noise and seeing what eventuated. Given that Motivation came from these sessions, it’s a very “band” sounding song, as opposed to some of the more experimental stuff that came along later during the recording process. It captures the sound of the band playing in a room together and we tried not to embellish it too much. This song is a bit of a band favourite for sure, so we are obviously excited about it being released as a single before the album appears.”
The video was once again made by Arlo Cook, who directed ‘Gum Up The Bearings’,
‘Oiks’ will be released 12 April, 2024.
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