Kate Bush has sent an email to an Australian choir heaping praise on their cover of her iconic 1985 hit ‘Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)’.
Bush’s classic tune has recently topped the charts in the US, UK and beyond, 37 years after it was released, due to going viral on TikTok after it appeared in ‘Stranger Things’.
Astrid Jorgensen, the founder and director of Brisbane’s Pub Choir, has revealed she was “literally running up that hill” when she got a call from her manager about the note from Kate.
She told The Guardian: “My manager called me and said, you’ve got to get home, Kate Bush has emailed.
“I ran straight back – I was literally running up that hill.”
The message read: “Dear Brisbane Pub Choir. I’ve been so busy that I’ve only just had the chance to watch you all singing ‘RUTH’. It’s utterly, utterly wonderful! I love it so much! Thank you everyone. You sing it really beautifully. I’m incredibly touched by your warmth and all your smiling faces. Thank you!”
She signed off the letter: “With lots of love, Kate.”
Kate Bush recently revealed she hadn’t heard ‘Running Up That Hill’ for “a really long time” before its viral success thanks to the hit Netflix series.
Kate admitted she chooses not to listen back to her old music and very rarely has to revisit her back catalogue to provide edits if it’s used on other formats.
Speaking to Emma Barnett on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Woman’s Hour’ this week, she said: “I never listen to my old stuff. But then you know, when things like this come along, I’m normally involved in something like you know, maybe doing an edit or revisiting the track for some kind of other reason, I’m working on it. So yeah, I hadn’t heard it for a really long time.”
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