Kav Temperley of Eskimo Joe is getting together with Lisa Mitchell, Chalrie Collins and Karen Lee Andrews to perform the music of Fleetwood Mac in ‘Yesterday’s Gone – The Fleetwood Mac Legacy’.

Kav Temperley said, “The sounds of Fleetwood Mac were hanging around my house growing up before I even knew what I was listening to. So now, every time I chuck on a Fleetwood Mac record, it feels like I’m catching up with an old friend. I reconnected again with the albums as I got older, not only do the recordings sound so good but, it’s very rare that a band would have so many great songwriters in one place.”
“Yesterday’s Gone” comes from the lyrics to the Fleetwood Mac classic ‘Don’t Stop’.
‘Yesterday’s Gone – The Fleetwood Mac Legacy’ will feature in Night at The Barracks at North Head, Manly on Friday, 22 September, followed by Northcote Theatre in Melbourne on Friday, 20 October.
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