Kylie Minogue has taken to Twitter following the news on the weekend that she was quitting music.
Kylie Minogue, Photo Ros O'Gorman
“#lovers #notquitting” she tweeted to her 1.6 million followers, putting an end to the tabloid stories on the weekend stating she was quitting music to concentrate in a movie career.
On Saturday, the news broke that Kylie had split with Terry Blamey, her manager of 25 years.
The Mirror UK wrote into that a Kylie’s father Ron Minogue, who manages her accounts, had a fall-out with Blamey but that in itself didn’t make sense after that long time.
The Mirror also concluded that a split with Terry meant a split with music for Kylie who they said wanted to pursue a movie career. Kylie has always had a movie career but mostly in a supporting actress role.
Where the Kylie career has really worked in the past decade is as a live act. She is a big money ticket playing sold-out tours across Europe and Australia. To give that away would be giving away her biggest income.
If the “quitting music” story was true it would also have meant that she had aborted her next album. Work was already on the way for a new Kylie album for 2013.
What it all comes down to is that a man in his late 60s who had a very successful career as a manager for the past 25 years and built Kylie into one of the greatest stars on the planet has decided to take a break.
There is nothing more to read into that actually.