The Meredith Music Festival has been cancelled for 2021.
In a statement Aunty Meredith said, “I am writing to let you know that the 30th Meredith is not happening this December.
It’s just not possible at this time to make Meredith.
I want to acknowledge all who worked hard and dreamed even harder to will this year’s festival into being. And everyone who sent letters checking in on us, with ideas, hopes and wishes – I feel your energy. Thank you.
Here at The Sup’, when the time is right, Meredith will Happen, for the 30th and Very First Time”.
Organisers promise the event will be back … eventually. “I’ve been making use of the extra room to ruminate on Meredith (and Golden Plains), and what it is, why it is, how it is, where it is, when it is, and so on. It really is in the space between the notes that the music happens. Regardless of how many lifetimes we spend planning it all, Meredith truly soars when something clicks, magic o’clock strikes ZOOP DOOP and the whole shebang just TAKES OFF to another new dimension, providing all present with unexpected thrills of the very highest order.
Know what I mean?
Let’s do that again”.
Meredith was to take place in Victoria in December.
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