Mick Thomas Shares Two More Songs From Back In The Day - Noise11.com
Mick Thomas Roving Commission

Mick Thomas Roving Commission

Mick Thomas Shares Two More Songs From Back In The Day

by Paul Cashmere on November 11, 2022

in News

Mick Thomas’ Roving Commission is previewing another two new tracks from the upcoming ‘Back In the Day’.

‘Tired Old Hat’ was one Mick fans may have heard before. “This song first appeared on The Horse’s Prayer. The version was sort of tentative and thoughtful. At the time we were thinking the sentiment would carry it and surely people would appreciate the profound nature of the song’s message? Hmmm – maybe not. It’s one of those songs that never really found its place.

“And so recently when I was asked to appear at a benefit to raise awareness for the detainees STILL incarcerated at the Park Hotel in Carlton I thought it was time to dust it off, write a new verse and PLAY THE DAMN THING. Trouble is, on the night, for whatever reasons we played a particularly awful version and the new verse went out the window completely so I felt it’s high time we showed it some respect. Here it is in its 2022 glory”.

“This is the actual ‘single’ and as such is the only song from this selection that is going to be on the full length album Where Only Memory Can Find You which is scheduled for release April 2023. The cornerstone of that record is a radio segment on the ABC concerning one of my oldest tunes Away Away and consequently the overriding theme of the album seems to be a search for places in an unobtainable past. Back in the Day is concerned with the dilemma faced by every long term performer when you realise a lot of people ‘like your old stuff better than your new stuff!’

“But I should take this opportunity to say honestly I’ve never had a problem playing ‘the hits’. I think it’s part and parcel of being a career performer and let’s face it, we spend so much time and energy getting the songs out there I think it would be churlish to reject the ones that actually found some traction. One of the great things about the current lineup of the Roving Commission is they are 100% glad to play what the audience want s to hear and so Monday’s Experts, Step In Step Out or Father’s Day are welcome inclusions on the list at any given show”.

Mick Thomas’ Roving Commission’s ‘Back In the Day’ is out today 11 November 2022.

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