Anthrax and two companies are being sued by an artist over the design for an “ugly Hanukkah sweater”.
Aaron Cummings has filed suit in U.S. District Court claiming that he designed the shirt in 2012 and has a copyright on the artwork from 2013.
The Anthrax version of the sweater first went on sale last fall through the company, where it continues to be available. The page continues to state that the sweater was “designed by Axl Rosenberg from Metal Sucks”.
Rockabilia said they got the shirt from a company called Global Merchandising Services. Both companies are also named in the lawsuit.
Frankie Blydenburgh from Rockabilia told the Detroit Free Press “This is the first I’ve heard that there’s any issue with it.We got (the sweatshirt) in November. It’s still on our site, but it’s a limited edition. It’s up to the merchandising companies we buy from to get the items cleared and make sure there’s no (copyright) issues.”
Cummings is seeking monetary damages, an injunction from producing any further copies, the surrender of any remaining product and the any sweater specific plates or other equipment used in the manufacture.
Anthrax’ new album, For All Kings, will be out on February 26.
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