Radio Ratings: Triple J Loses Dominance Everywhere Except Perth -
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triple j

Radio Ratings: Triple J Loses Dominance Everywhere Except Perth

by Paul Cashmere on November 10, 2015

in News,Noise Pro

The ABC’s youth network Triple J has lost market share consistently across Australia in the radio ratings released today but still has a story to tell in Perth.

Triple J had owned the 18-24 demographic across Australia all through 2015 but Survey 7 has shown drops across the country taking them from the number one spot everywhere except Perth’s 18-24 and 25-39 year old demographic and Adelaide’s 25-39 age group.

While the Triple J drops took them to second of third place in most 18-24 and 25-39 figures, the government owned radio networked still fared better than the disastrous and once dominant Austereo Network. In Sydney, Austereo’s 2DAYFM registered its lowest ratings figure ever. It was a pathetic rating for the station that dominated Sydney’s listening habits in the 90s and early 2000s. The station has been plagued with bad publicity after its malicious prank of the UK nurse that lead to her suicide but remains unrepentant for its actions.

Austereo maintained healthy figures in Melbourne only but not even the high profile and expensive return of Hamish & Andy in drive could save the network from its dismal performance.

Here are the top three stations for 18-24 and 25-39 year olds across Australia for Survey 7, 2015.


2JJJ 23.9
Nova96.9 12.7
KIIS106.5 12.4

Nova96.9 15.2
2JJJ 14.7
KIIS106.7 13.6


Fox 25.3
3JJJ 14.8
Nova100 13.6

FOX 16.6
3MMM 14.2
3JJJ 13.7


hit105.3 32.2
Nova106.9 22.4
4JJJ 13.7

Nova106.9 18.8
Hit105.3 and 4JJJ 16.4


hit107 26.5
Nova91.9 19.5
Mix102.3 13.8

5JJJ 18.4
hit107 17.2
Nova91.9 15.4


6JJJ 29.3
hit92.9 21.9
Nova93.7 14.9

6JJJ 22.4
Nova93.7 19.5
Hit92.9 15.8


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