Tim Wheatley is focusing attention for his latest album ‘Cast of Yesterday’ onto the track ’78 Benz’.
Wheatley made a video for the track with director Andrew Noel. “In staying true to the lyric, Andy and I wanted to depict a few of the things I tried after moving to Los Angeles… I was struggling with a few of the ‘necessary evils’ within industries I was quite unfamiliar with. I think Andy captured ‘looking to the bright of otherwise trying times’ really well,” Tim said.
’78 Benz’ was Tim’s song of choice for the album. “I had been in LA nearly a year, playing shows, writing, and turning my hand to other things like modelling and acting,” he said. “I was juggling three passions, in which rejection is an integral part, and really struggling with it… ironically, as much as it was taking its toll on me, 78 Benz, my favourite song on the record, would never have come about with the absence of struggle.”

Tim has also lined up some shows in Sydney and Melbourne for June. “I can’t wait to get back to Australia, and for people to hear this song. In fact, I wish I was staying in Australia longer,” he said.
Tim Wheatley Australian dates
June 2, Sydney, The Marlborough Hotel
June 10, Melbourne, Grace Darling Hotel
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