Neil Young Calls Canadian Government “A Poor Imitation of the Bush Administration” -
Neil Young & Crazy Horse, The Plenary, Melbourne, Australia, Noise11,Ros O'Gorman, Photo

Neil Young & Crazy Horse, The Plenary, Melbourne, Australia, Photo By Ros O'Gorman

Neil Young Calls Canadian Government “A Poor Imitation of the Bush Administration”

by Paul Cashmere on January 15, 2014

in News

Neil Young has gone on the attack against the Canadian Government for “trading integrity for money”.

Young is assisting with stopping the expansion of the Jackpine mine which currently covers 7500 hectares. The Canadian government has given Shell the approval for the mine to expand to 13,000 hectares.

The expansion ignores treaty obligations and endangers animals in the area. The government and Shell’s argument is that it will bring in billions of dollars in revenue.

Young has called the government “an embarrassment” and says it is “a very poor imitation of the George Bush administration.”

“Canada is trading integrity for money”, Young told a media conference at Massey Hall in Toronto this week. “That is what is happening under the current leadership in Canada which is a very poor imitation of the George Bush administration in the United States and is lagging behind on the world stage. It is an embarrassment to many Canadians”.

Neil Young news site reported Young adding, “I want my grandchildren to grow up and look up and see a blue sky and have dreams that their grandchildren are going to do great things. And I don’t see that today in Canada. I see a government just completely out of control. Money is number one. Integrity isn’t even on the map.”

The message appeared to fall on deaf ears within the Canadian Government. “Even the lifestyle of a rock star relies, to some degree, on the resources developed by thousands of hard-working Canadians every day,” Jason MacDonald, spokesman for the Prime Minuster said in a statement. “Our government recognizes the importance of developing resources responsibly and sustainably and we will continue to ensure that Canada’s environmental laws and regulations are rigorous.”

Watch the CBS News Neil Young Coverage

Neil Young is a performing a series of benefit concerts for the First Nations fight in Alberta to protect their lands. The first show was on Sunday night at Massey Hall in Toronto.

Neil Young set list January 12, 2014

From Hank To Hendrix (from Harvest Moon, 1992)
On The Way Home (from Buffalo Springfield’s Last Time Around, 1968)
Helpless (from CSNY Déjà vu, 1970)
Love In Mind (from Time Fades Away, 1973)
Mellow My Mind (from Tonight’s The Night, 1975)
Are You Ready For The Country (from Harvest, 1972)
Someday (from Freedom, 1989)
Changes (Phil Ochs cover)
Harvest (from Harvest, 1972)
Old Man (from Harvest, 1972)
A Man Needs A Maid (from Harvest, 1972)
Ohio (from CSNY Four Way Street, 1970)
Southern Man (from After The Goldrush, 1970)
Mr Soul (from Buffalo Springfield’s Buffalo Springfield Again, 1967)
Pocahontas (from Rust Never Sleeps, 1979)
After The Gold Rush (from After The Goldrush, 1970)
Journey Through The Past (from Time Fades Away, 1973)
Needle of Death (Bert Jansch cover)
Heart of Gold (from Harvest, 1972)

Comes A Time (from Comes A Time, 1978)
Long May You Run (from Long May You Run, 1976)

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