As of July 10, 2015 all new music around the world will be released on Fridays.
Australia switched to Friday releases back in 2006 but the rest of the world has randomly released new music from Mondays in markets such as France and the UK, through Tuesdays in the US and Canada and to Fridays in markets such as Australia and Germany. All will align on 10th July when new music will be released on Fridays at 00:01 local time.
ARIA boss Dan Rosen commented, “ARIA is very pleased to see the industry move to a global release date with the launch of New Music Fridays. Australia switched to a Friday release date back in early 2006 and it is great to see the whole music world is now aligned on the same day”.
According to Ian Harvey of the Australian Music Retailers Association (AMRA) Australia changed to Friday releases almost a decade ago to accommodate retailer needs. “AMRA welcomes the launch of New Music Fridays worldwide,” he said. “The decision to move to a Friday release day in Australia was based on the belief that retailers had to meet the needs of their customers and that for those customers Friday, Saturday and Sunday are shopping days. Why wouldn’t you have your most attractive, most in demand product available in store when consumers are actually shopping?”
Rosen said an international release date will make it easier for artists to communicate with fans. “Artists today communicate with their fans on a global basis so it only makes sense that music fans around the world have the opportunity to enjoy and purchase new music at the same time,” he added.
As off 10 July, 2015, the music industry worldwide will start referring to the name “New Music Fridays”.
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