Night Time Industry Association proposed 5-point plan for NSW Government -
V Festival

Night Time Industry Association proposed 5-point plan for NSW Government

by Paul Cashmere on February 15, 2019

in News,Noise Pro

The Night Time Industries Association has delivered a five point plan to New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejeklian to try and focus her away from her ‘Footloose’ philosophy.

Premier Berejeklian has became the joke of the Australian Music Industry after her inept music policy has already forced two music festivals in her home state to cancel causing thousands pf music fans to lose their planned weekend this weekend, dozens of artists to miss out of work and New South Wales to miss out on millions of dollars of revenue from travel, tourism and the music business.

Night Time Industries Association Chair Michael Rodrigues wants the Premier to appoint a Minister for Night Time Economy. “Right now, we don’t have a clear vision, he says. “We need gusto and bold action from inside the government. Unless we have a Minister who
takes responsibility for the night-time economy, we won’t see the follow-through that’s
required to change the dire situation Sydney has found itself in as a cosmopolitan, global city
past 8 pm.”

“We want to cut the red tape that’s been suffocating our city and build a new wave of energy,
innovation, and creativity. The night is an asset, and it’s being wasted. Let’s unite for the
night, rebalance the regulation, and build a new narrative based on the positive outcomes
that come from a dynamic night time economy – a vibrant city that inspires its people and is
powered by creativity,” said Rodrigues.

The NTIA says that activity after dark in Sydney is now worth $27 billion a year and supports more than 230,000 jobs – making up 3.8 percent of Australia’s economy.

The Night Time Industries Association has proposed the following 5-point plan:

Policy Solutions

1. The Night Matters


Greater support and focus from Government on the night-time economy. Specifically:
● Create a Minister for the Night-time Economy
● Appoint a Night-time Commissioner to work with industry and stakeholders in
the Department of Premier & Cabinet


Sydney is missing out on about $16 billion a year because the night-time economy is
Analysis by Deloitte Access Economics has found economic activity after dark in
Sydney is now worth $27 billion a year and supports more than 230,000 jobs. But it
could be far bigger.
It is not clear which Minister is responsible for supporting the night-time economy.
Responsibility is split across multiple Minister’s and agencies meaning that the
government response is disjointed and fragmented.
Having a clear line of responsibility inside government to advocate for policies that
support the night time economy will ensure we maximise the economic potential of

2. Better Balanced Regulation of Venues


Better-balanced regulation of night-time venues including the streamlining of the
liquor licensing regulations. Specifically:
● Removal of the entertainment consent provisions of the Liquor Act (as conferred under section 11)
● Removal of the 1:30am ‘lockout laws’
● Removal of the liquor freeze
The Night-time is so much more than what happens after 1:30am in the morning.
Our primary goal is to revitalise Sydney’s nightlife starting with 5pm to 10pm. This is
the peak time and the main game when it comes to the night time economy.
We want Darling Harbour, Circular Quay and the CBD to be humming with people
going out to dinner, seeing live music, the theatre and plays.
No one wants the sort of Sydney nightlife the police and doctors are concerned may
Many other major cities get the right balance in both Australia and overseas.
Right now, it is in the too hard basket.
We are calling on both sides of politics to commit to restoring a vibrant night life – to
work collaboratively with industry and artists as well as health and police to solve the

3. One Stop Noise Shop


Better manage noise issues for commercial operators. Specifically:
● Create a one-stop shop for noise complaints and management in NSW for
licensed premises and commercial entertainment businesses ?
● Streamline laws governing noise issues and put in place guidelines for venue
operators developed through consultation with industry and the community
Noise complaints can become a major burden for venue operators and a single
compliant can cost operators many thousands of dollars to resolve.
Depending on the venue, a noise complaint can be made to the local council, police,
the EPA, licensing agencies and even Roads and Maritime Services.
Having one agency responsible for managing noise complaints will help streamline
the system and ensure only genuine complaints are raised and they are resolved in a
way that is fair for residents and venue operators.

4. Eliminate Red Tape


Improve NSW Planning laws and eliminate red tape that unnecessarily restricts
entertainment venues from opening. Specifically:
● Create a planning taskforce to review NSW Planning laws with input from
NSW creative community, planning experts and venue operators and local
● Single planning instrument for new venues, combining council consent
process with liquor consent
NSW Planning law is complex and a major burden for venue operators to try and
navigate. Applying for a Development application is an expensive and
time-consuming process, often involving repetition of the same processes undertaken
through liquor and other licensing obligations.
These laws have been developed without the creative community in mind. They often
reflect the competing interests of property developers, local government and other
The planning system needs to actively promote venues and spaces for creative

5. Invest in the Creative Industries


Invest in NSW’s Creative Industries by establishing a $200 million Create NSW fund.
The fund will drive the economic potential of the creative economy. The funds could
be used to support artists, production companies, community organisations and
commercial operators and leverage private sector investment to create jobs and
opportunities for the NSW creative arts sector. Specifically:
● Invest in cultural infrastructure
● Support community and commercial operators looking to establish pathways
for NSW creative talent
The Deloitte Access Economics report ImagineSydney: Play identifies the economic
loss Sydney has suffered. Sydney needs to catch-up and then lead the region as an
economy where creativity is a major economic driver.
With the decline of traditional industries, increased automation, access to information
and digital penetration, creativity itself is recognized by Sydney’s competitor regional
markets (particularly Melbourne and Singapore) as an economic driver as we enter
the fourth industrial revolution.
For example in the US rust-belt, cities like Detroit, once the centre of the
auto-engineering and manufacturing industry, have become centres for creativity as
they strive to create new economies.
Victoria has invested $115 million (over four years) through their “Creative State”

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