Ozzy Osbourne has told a Brazil press conference that he believes Black Sabbath have one more album and tour in them.
In the press gathering for the Monsters of Rock festival, Osbourne stated “The plan is that next year we’ll do the final Black Sabbath tour and album. I’m not stopping … my wife spends all my money so I can’t.”
Ozzy did add that, even though those are the plans, things could change because everyone lives in different countries and some have more interest than others in an album but a tour is definitely planned.
“The beginning of next year I’m going out with Sabbath for a year. The Sabbath thing will fold up after the next time and then I’m going to continue my solo career,” he said. “We all live in different countries. Some of them want to work and some don’t want to work. We are going to do another tour, that could change”.
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