Boom Crash Opera co-founder Peter Farnan has another solo album ‘Home’ and a new video for ‘Hello at Home’.

‘Home’ is very much at home with Peter’s partner and daughters contributing to vocals and there is also a contribution from former Boom Crash Opera co-founder Richard Pleasance. “My partner and daughters sing throughout; a sweet, ghostly choir, they are sometimes reassuring, sometimes disturbing,” Peter says. “My former bandmate Richard Pleasance makes a brilliant contribution to ‘As The River Flows’, playing guitars, cello, bass and unsettling noises. Elsewhere my oldest daughter forms a mini orchestra on viola and violin. Drums are supplied by stalwart Melbourne drummer Ben Wiesner (ex The Audreys) and up and coming genius/talent, Soren Maryasin. Otherwise I play all instruments and produce.”
‘Home’ also reveals Peter’s Pop sensabilities. “My new album attempts to combine the personal and the political in an art-pop frame,” says Peter. “I love pop; ‘pop’ in its purest sense – a tight form that strives to communicate, meaningfully, with infectious energy and imagination.
“I love the brevity, compression and economy of the pop song form. When it’s effective it can infect the listener with complex feelings and ideas. I want to set off truth bombs.
“The songs on Home wrestle with the passing of time, buried histories, community, political populism, pernicious religion, the end of the world, the end of the street, the start of something special, mortality and blissful release. They are both reassuring and slightly unsettling, humorous and dark”.
You will be able to see Peter perform songs from ‘Home’ away from home at these venues soon.
Saturday October 22: The Bridge Hotel Balmain (with Models)
Sunday October 23: The Zoo Brisbane (with Models)
Sunday October 30 (matinee): The Corner Hotel (with Models)
Friday November 25: Open Studio (with Rebecca Barnard)
‘Home’ is available on Bandcamp and streaming here.
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