Peter Murphy is hoping to release a new solo album early in 2014.
Peter Murphy
The former Bauhaus frontman is completing Lion, his followup to 2011’s Ninth, with producer Youth who is an old friend. Murphy told Billboard, “We did it ourselves, just like a week to see what would go over, and basically we did the album in four and a half days. It was like dropping off the edge of a cliff and no turning back, and it was really exciting.”
A second round of recording is coming up after he completes his current tour, saying they will “do some more songs and refine, finesse the production a bit.”
As far as the style of the album, Murphy said, it’s “a mixture of stuff, almost like operas for the dispossessed. Its’ very romantic and very deep and emotional, quite symphonic in places, but then becomes, like, a rabble-rousing pirate sea shanty.”
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