AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd has been quietly working on a solo album and in late August we will get to hear his debut ‘Head Job’.
Rudd says the album is about his personal experiences “about the shit that goes on”.
The first single from ‘Head Job’ is ‘Repo Man’, out this week.
Rudd assures us that the title track ‘Head Job’ is another one of those great AC/DC double-meanings and is actually about “going to the pub to commiserate with your mates about someone doing your head in”.
Other song titles include “Bad Move” and “Crazy”.
Phil Rudd ‘Head Job’ will be released through Universal on August 29, 2014.
AC/DC have also downed tools on their next album. The yet-to-be titled album is currently being mixed. The release date is still to be determined.
Meanwhile, there is no further update on the health issues plaguing founding member Malcolm Young. Singer Brian Johnson has confirmed that Young is in hospital.
Young stepped down from the band because of his health problems. His nephew Stevie Young has replaced him on the next album.
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