Prince’s theme to the 1989 ‘Batman’ movie has made its way online.
Prince did not allow his music on YouTube but since his death Prince videos, including the rarely seen ‘Batdance’ video, have started to appear.
‘Batman’ was the 11th album by Prince. The album was recorded over a six-week period in February and March 1989 and was released in June.
The original plan for the ‘Batman’ movie was for Prince to record some new tracks and mix them with older ones like ‘1999’ and ‘Baby I’m A Star’ but Prince decided to make an entire new collection of songs for the movie instead.
Three of the songs ‘Electric Chair’, ‘Scandalous’ and ‘Anna Waiting’ retitled to ‘Vicki Waiting’ for the movie were used. One of the other plans for the movie was for Prince to sing the dance songs and Michael Jackson to sing the ballads but the plan never eventuated. Sheena Easton recorded a duet for ‘The Arms of Orion’. Dialogue from the movie, featuring the voices of jack Nicholson and Michael Keating, was also used on the album.
‘Batman’ sold over 11 million copies in the USA and peaked at no 4 in Australia.
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