Jon Stevens and Moving Pictures together with 10 other acts will gather at Sydney’s Hordern Pavilion for Pure Gold Live in October.
Pure Gold Live is presented by WSFM 101.7 and iHeartRadio to celebrate the 90th birthday of the Hordern Pavilion.
The Hordern Pavilion opened on April 14, 1924 and is located at 1 Driver Avenue, Sydney. The building was named after Sir Samuel Hordern, who was president of the Royal Agricultural Society from 1915 to 1941.
The Pure Gold Live event will also feature the who’s who of classic Oz rock with Dragon, Eurogliders, GANGajang, Machinations, Mi-Sex, 1927, Pseudo Echo, Rose Tattoo Swanee and Wendy Matthews performing 36 hits in one night.
The show will be hosted by Sydney’s number one breakfast team Jonesy and Amanda from WSFM. “We’re so excited to be part of this massive night celebrating Australian music at one of Sydney’s favourite venues, the Hordern Pavilion,” Jonesy said.
“It’s going to be a fun night, packed with some genuine Aussie hits that have truly stood the test of time, and are as great today as they were the first time you heard them,” Amanda added.
Tickets for Pure Gold Live will go on sale on Monday, August 11 at 12 noon through or by phone on 132 849.
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