Queens of the Stone Age have released a second song from the upcoming album ‘In Times New Roman’.
Listen to ‘Carnavoyeur’.

‘In Times New Roman’ will be released on 16 June. The first sampler from the album was ‘Emotion Sickness’ two weeks ago.
Queens of the Stone Age played their first show of 2023 at Sonic Temple in Columbus, Ohio on 26 May.
No One Knows (from Songs of the Deaf, 2002)
The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret (from Rated R, 2000)
My God Is the Sun (from …Like Clockwork, 2013)
If I Had a Tail (from …Like Clockwork, 2013)
The Evil Has Landed (from Villains, 2017)
I Sat by the Ocean (from …Like Clockwork, 2013)
Emotion Sickness (from In Times New Roman, 2023)
Little Sister (from Lullabies To Paralyse, 2005)
Sick, Sick, Sick (from Era Vulgaris, 2007
Go With the Flow (from Songs of the Deaf, 2002)
A Song for the Dead (from Songs of the Deaf, 2002)
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