The cast of the Rocky Horror Show has been unveiled with Craig McLachlan back in the fishnets as Frank N Furter and Bert Newton, well back in the fishnets as well, as the Narrator.
The full cast features Kristian Lavercombe as Riff Raff, Nicholas Christo as Eddie and Dr Scott and Brendan Irving as Rocky. Janet will be played by Amy Lehpamer, Stephen Mahy, who recently starred in Once, will play Brad.
Jayde Westaby is Magenta, Angelique Cassimatis is Columbia and additional cast members The Phantoms will be played by Meghan O’Shea, Suzanne Steele, Darren Tyler and Drew Weston.
“We are thrilled with this exciting new cast for The Rocky Horror Show. With Craig and Bert leading this wonderfully talented group of performers, this is sure to be a wild and sexy night out,” said producers Howard Panter and John Frost. “After the huge success of last year’s tour, we received so many requests to bring this 40th Anniversary production of The Rocky Horror Show to Sydney. Finally now, a year later, a theatre is available so we can bring this much-loved iconic musical back to Sydney, then a return visit to Melbourne. Theatregoers should give themselves over to absolute pleasure before madness takes its toll!”
Rocky Horror dates
from April 11, Sydney, The Star, Lyric Theatre
from June 12, Melbourne, Comedy Theatre
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