Roger Waters has recorded his first solo album in 25 years and it is about the Trump administration. This week he will talk to Dan Rather about it on AXS TV.
“The people of the United States of America elected this nincompoop, this guy that everybody despises,” Trump tells Rather.
“He is provocative, outspoken, but also poetic,” the veteran newsman Dan Rather said in a Facebook post. “I was struck by his ability to paint a picture with words. At one point when I asked him about the story behind Pink Floyd’s classic song “Wish You Were Here”, he explained how former lead singer Syd Barrett was part of the inspiration for the song, but in general he prefers to not examine the when and the how of songwriting too much. “It would feel a little bit like investigating a butterfly,” he said. “You end up with dust and a few broken bits”.
The full interview with Roger Waters will air at 8pm Tuesday April 4 (US time) on The Big Interview on AXS TV.