Russell Morris will headline the Thredbo Blues Festival in January 2016.
The Threbo Blues Festival will feature 25 acts over three days.
Morris, whose ‘Sharkmouth’ and Van Diemen’s Land’ albums sold over 100,000 copies in Australia and are the two biggest Australian selling blues records of the 21st Century, will release the third album in his trilogy ‘Red Dirt, Red Heart’ in October.
“This year, we have combined Blues veterans with up-and-coming players, covering acoustic, electric, Blues and Roots, and I feel we have arrived at a superb blend. We are also proud to showcase the cream of Australian women Blues players,” said Stewart Wauchop, Artistic Director for the Thredbo Blues Festival.
“Each year we receive applications from many super Australian Blues players and have to make the tough decisions about who will perform. This year has been no different. The hard part done, now we can sit back and enjoy a weekend of Blues partying at the top of Australia – beautiful Thredbo,” he added.
The Thredbo Blues Festival is on January 15-17, 2016
Thredbo Blues Festival 2016 line-up
Russell Morris
Andy Just
Gail Page (The Voice)
Fiona Boyes Band
The Pearl Show (Janis Joplin Tribute)
Glenn Cardier and the Sideshow
The Foreday Riders (featuring Jill Tweedy and Carolyn ‘Pine’ Packer)
Nick Charles and Pete Fidler
Phil & Trudy Edgeley
James Southwell Band
Darren Jack Band
Brody Young
Shane Pacey trio
Genevieve Chadwick
Christina Crofts Trio
Harry Brus
George Washingmachine
Richard Perso
Simon Kinny-Lewis Band
Dan Dinnen
The Hoodoo Men
The Hip replacements
DJ Gosper Duo
Tony Cini Blues Explosion
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